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Based in Whaley Bridge, SK23
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Read my latest articles on getting started with exercise and keeping yourself healthy and motivated.

  • How much exercise should I be doing?

    How much exercise should I be doing?

    Most of us feel like we need to be doing more exercise but how much should we be aiming for, how often and what actually counts as exercise? In this blog I take a look at the NHS exercise recommendations and explain how they can translate to your life.

  • How can I get more steps in (and why do I need to)?

    How can I get more steps in (and why do I need to)?

    A key goal for a lot of people is to get more steps in, with the hallowed 10,000 a day figure being the most common target. But why is 10,000 the holy grail? Why does our step count matter and how can we hit our step goal if we’re stuck behind a desk all day?

  • The importance of rest

    The importance of taking time to rest

    I’ve written in the past about energy levels – finding the energy to exercise and tips to manage slumps. Sometimes though we just need to recognise and lean in to our body’s need to rest.

  • What’s the best food tracking app to use?

    What’s the best food tracking app to use?

    There is so much tech in the fitness industry to help support us with our health and fitness goals. It can sometimes feel a little overwhelming to know which to choose. How can you find a food tracker that's right for you?

  • Three books which have inspired me_books

    Three books which have inspired me

    Every now and again you read something which cuts through, makes you think differently and leads to you actually changing something about your life. To celebrate World Book Day, I’d like to share some books which have inspired me to make some positive changes.

  • Too tired to exercise_sleeping cat

    Too tired to exercise?

    One of the main reasons people give for not exercising (after being time poor) is not having enough energy. How can you overcome this?

  • Am I too old to start lifting weights_dumbbells

    Am I too old to start lifting weights?

    No! In fact, you already are without even realising it. But there’s probably more you could be doing with resistance training to make your life better now and in the future.

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For a free, no obligation initial consultation, face to face or by phone get in touch