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Trying to talk yourself out of it?

Written by Sarah on

Sometimes it's hard to show up and exercise. Sometimes your drive isn't as strong as your best excuse! Here, I answer some common questions that could allay the concerns you may have about getting a personal trainer.

I'm not in good health. Is there any point in me starting now?

Yes, it's never too late to start becoming more active, and exercise can definitely help to improve your health. You just need to check with your Dr first that they are happy it's safe for you to start exercising.

Gyms make me nervous! The equipment is complicated and I feel stupid.

That's why you need me! I can help you learn to use gym equipment in a safe and straightforward way and support you to build the confidence to work out on your own. I used to feel intimidated by gyms too so I know exactly how you feel. I'll make sure that we go at your pace and use kit that you feel comfortable with.

I just want to look good for my wedding, I don't want someone who'll try to make me run marathons!

I wouldn't attempt a marathon myself, never mind try and encourage someone else to do one if it wasn't something they were interested in! My job is to help you to achieve your personal goals, no one else's. In our consultation we can talk through what you want to achieve and then make a plan for how we can get you there.

I'm struggling with the menopause, I don't want to do anything that'll make me feel worse.

We can find exercises which will work for you, tailored to your body and your goals. I definitely want to make you feel better and wouldn't suggest trying anything that might make you feel worse. Let's work together to find a plan that will help improve your energy and sleep as well as your mental and physical well- being.

I've been doing a bit of running, is there any benefit to having a personal trainer when I'm exercising already?

That's great that you are already doing regular exercise and (hopefully) feeling the benefits. Working with a personal trainer could help you to find a resistance routine which can support your running and prevent the likelihood of you getting injured. We could also look at different methods of improving your cardio fitness to improve your running performance if that would be of interest.

I've got a busy full time job and a family to look after, how can I find the time to exercise?

I could come and work with you in your home at a time that suits you so you don't need to worry about spending time traveling to a gym to exercise. I can also help you with suggestions about how to get more active in your everyday life which can fit around your other commitments.

I've tried working with a PT in the past and it was a negative experience, why should I try again?

I think working with a PT can be like any other relationship in your life, it needs to be someone you can click with and feel comfortable working with. I offer a free consultation where you can come and meet me and see the space we'll work out in together and talk through your goals and how I could support you. I also offer a taster session for £25. Hopefully this will help you decide if I'm the right PT for you. I also don't have a minimum session commitment so if you decide it's not working at any time you don't need to carry on working with me.

Why should I pay to work with you instead of just going to a gym class?

Gym classes can be great fun and help you to get fit, if you are attending them and enjoying yourself then keep going! However, if you feel like you need support with achieving specific health or fitness goals eg losing weight or targeting a certain body part then it can help to work one to one with a PT. A PT can work with you to tailor a programme to fit you individually, taking into account your fitness level, health, life circumstances etc. We can then work together through the programme, keeping you motivated and interested. Most importantly, it makes you accountable, you have someone to check in with about progress and celebrate the successes with - it's a journey we can go on together.

I'm nervous about getting injured or making existing injuries worse.

We'll go through a full consultation so I am aware of any existing or past injuries and I can tailor your programme and sessions to accommodate this. I will never push you to do something which you or your body is not comfortable with. My priority is that you are always working with proper form and in a safe way, that's the benefit of working one to one, my full attention is on you.

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